Relocation to the Czech Republic – Employee Cards for EU and Non-EU Nationals

The Czech Republic ranked among the most favorable countries for relocation among foreigners around the world in Expat Insider’s 2016 opinion poll. It’s not a surprise. Firstly, there are a lot of multinational companies seeking people with language skills and international experience; secondly, living standard is good; and finally, it’s a beautiful country. You have

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Seven Top CV FAQs by GoodCall

There are many tips on how to write a CV you can find online. We put together answers to the most common questions related to CVs and LinkedIn profiles based on our experience communicating with candidates and employers: #1 What are the most common mistakes you come across in CVs and LinkedIn profiles? The most

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Czech Job Market: Trends in 2017

Czech job market will offer higher salaries, more intense talent hunting, and new opportunities for foreigners and generation 50+. The number of job vacancies is higher than ever in the Czech history. Recruiters send a clear message to those who consider changing their job: “Now is the time.” With insufficient suitable human resources in the

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72% Employees Are Happy at Work – Why?

 “The heart and soul of every great company is its people and the most successful organizations are those in which the passions of its employees match the guiding principles of the business.” – Katty Bloomgarden, CEO of Ruden Finn In 2014 the Adler Group together with LinkedIn asked around 18,000 employees in 26 countries about

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