A simple thanks to these amazing authors...
First of all, thanks to the author on Freepik for the photo of a man used in our title image on the homepage.
Uomo de fotografie diseñado por Asierromero - Freepik.com...
...and big thanks for the beautiful icons done by Freepik.
Other photos from Freepik are
Business graphic, Job Search, Seo graphic, Society graphic , Business Profile, Arrow graphic, Arrow Vector, Alarm graphic, Pencil graphic, Czech Republic graphic, Placeholder, Tools and Utensils, Office Set, Job search set from pack: Job search, Productivity icon, and Clock graphic by Freepik from Flaticon is licensed under CC BY 3.0. Made with Logo Maker and to Vaadin icons and Gregor Cresnar.
Other credits to Vectors Market for Devices icon, Reunion icon, Analytics icon, and Student icon; to Popcorns Arts for Chat icon, Student icon, Calendar icon, to Pixel Buddha for Mind free icon; and to Prosymbols for Target icon.
Video player free icon is made by Madebyoliver in multimedia Pack: Essential Compilation, arrows by by Dave Gandy in arrows Pack: Font Awesome.
Thanks to:
Authors at Pixabay.com
Amazing http://mr-gif.com/
- Bench Accounting (http://instagram.com/benchaccounting)
- Cathryn Lavery
- Timon Studler
- Ben White
- Abigail Keenan
- Mink Mingle
- Andrew Illarionov (twitter.com/Andyillarionov)
- Will van Wingerden (instagram.com/willvanw)
- Dustin Lee (http://bit.ly/Free-RetroSupply-Goods)
- Galymzhan Abdugalimov
- Maria Victoria Portelles (design-graphique.mariavportelles.com)
- Chris Davis
- Didier Weemaels
- Kyle Popineau (kylepopineau.com)