Brno Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair
The largest fair connecting expats to jobs and services in the Czech Republic.
October 17, 2025
"kongresá" (BVV Brno Trade Fairs), Hlinky 487/35 Brno 603 00
Jobspin Job Fair is perfect for international and bilingual job seekers looking for new job opportunities in Brno. Brno Relocation Fair brings together all key services for Brno expats under one roof. The official languages of the fairs are English and Czech.
Brno Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair
The largest fair connecting expats to jobs and services in the Czech Republic.
October 17, 2025
"kongresá" (BVV Brno Trade Fairs), Hlinky 487/35 Brno 603 00
Jobspin Job Fair is perfect for international and bilingual job seekers looking for new job opportunities in Brno. Brno Relocation Fair brings together all key services for Brno expats under one roof. The official languages of the fairs are English and Czech.
Unique visitors in one day
EU Visitors, 74% non-EU visitors
33% Students
Visitors with proficient English and native speakers (15%)
IT Professionals
Attendees have university education or are studying
Visitor Profile
The Jobspin Job Fairs focus on English-speaking candidates wanting to find a new job in the Czech Republic. Our average visitor is between 25-45 years of age, 26% comes from an EU country, 74% from a non-EU country, 93% speak fluently English + another language or two languages with a limited working knowledge of the Czech language, university degree (over 90%) and several years of working experience - 67% are working professionals of those a majority (44%) states over 5 years of working experience in the field and 33% students and fresh graduates.
We expect over 2,000 expats to join this event!
Exhibitor Registration and Contacts
Are you interested in taking part in the next job fair in Prague, Brno, Ostrava or Jobspin Virtual Job Fair? Please send us an E-mail to info (@) / business (@) or call us at +420 608 12 12 84. We will mail you the list of services and prices.
Kind Words From Past Exhibitors...
Arthur Lonjaret, Financial Strategist for Expats in Czechia, OVB
"Exciting Connections at the event organized by Jobspin in collaboration with Centrum pro cizince Jihomoravského kraje!
Exhibiting at the Job Fair in Brno was a great experience. With over 1,800 attendees and numerous companies from Brno, our stand was a hub of activity. We had the pleasure of connecting with many people, and we’re still reviewing all the profiles and contacts we collected.
We also joined a professional networking session, where we met representatives from different companies present at the event like Kyndryl, Brno Expat Centre and BROŽ BROŽ VALA advokátní kancelář s.r.o. I am looking forward to future collaborations with these businesses!
For those interested, most of the job fairs for 2025 have already been scheduled. You can find the list of events planned across Czechia here:
Thanks to everyone who stopped by and to Lars Kastrup-Nielsen, Damien Kohut, Quentin Dajon, Pinnki Segar, Ides van der Does de Willebois, Nicolas Griss, Ing. Theophilus Sakyiamah Atuah, FMVA® and Liam Birtwistle for participating to the event."
Hofmann Personal Česká republika
"Minulou sobotu jsme se s Denisa Divišová a Tereza Řezníčková zúčastnili největšího veletrhu práce a služeb pro expaty v ČR – Brno Jobspin Job & Relocation Fair. Přes 1 800 účastníků mělo příležitost navštívit více než 50 stánků věnovaných kariéře a životu v Česku.
Bylo skvělé potkat tolik z vás a sdílet s vámi den plný inspirace, nových kontaktů a příležitostí!
Děkujeme všem, kteří se zastavili, a těšíme se na další setkání!"
EURES Czech Republic
"Navštěvujete pracovní veletrhy? Jejich sezóna je v plném proudu a modrožlutý EURES stánek nechybí na žádné z předních událostí podzimu. Máme radost, že se kolem něj pravidelně řadí zájemci o konzultace našich EURES poradců a specialistů a my máme možnost sdílet svoje zkušenosti v neformálním prostředí.
Stejně tomu bylo i 5. října na veletrhu Jobspin v Brně. EURES poradci a specialisté v čele s Filipem Jurišem z brněnské pobočky Úřad práce ČR se věnovali všem zájemcům individuálně.
Společně předávali informace o tom, na co je třeba se připravit, pokud uvažujete jako občan EU o pracovních zkušenostech v Evropě, jako zaměstnavatel chcete s pomocí Úřad práce ČR zvyšovat kvalifikaci svých zaměstnanců nebo hledáte pracovníky ze zahraničí a o tom, jak jako cizinec získat práci v České republice a Evropě.
Komplexní služby Úřadu práce pak představil v prezentaci plné praktických tipů specialista pro práci s cizinci z Olomouckého kraje Štěpán Svoboda."
Visitor Reviews
It was great to visit this event and employers were really helpful
THe people who were manning the booths were generally interesting and talkative, but in general this was not a good use of my time. There were far too few businesses in attendance, and essentially nothing midsized. What’s more, positions on offer were almost exclusively IT or finance…mostly a waste of time for sokeone in marketing or other creative/humanities fields.