Brno Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair

The largest fair connecting expats to jobs and services in the Czech Republic.

October 17, 2025

"kongresá" (BVV Brno Trade Fairs), Hlinky 487/35 Brno 603 00


Jobspin Job Fair is perfect for international and bilingual job seekers looking for new job opportunities in Brno. Brno Relocation Fair brings together all key services for Brno expats under one roof. The official languages of the fairs are English and Czech. The fair is FREE to attend for all visitors.




Brno Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair

The largest fair connecting expats to jobs and services in the Czech Republic.

October 17, 2025

"kongresá" (BVV Brno Trade Fairs), Hlinky 487/35 Brno 603 00


Jobspin Job Fair is perfect for international and bilingual job seekers looking for new job opportunities in Brno. Brno Relocation Fair brings together all key services for Brno expats under one roof. The official languages of the fairs are English and Czech. The fair is FREE to attend for all visitors.







2024 Program and Exhibitors


45 min. for up to 100 listeners.

  • 10:10-10:55 - "Presentation of services for foreigners provided by the Labour office of the Czech republic" (in English)
    Alexandr Běťák, Foreign employment specialist of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
  • 11:00-11:45 - "Your career in a global service company" - Serco (in English)
    Christiano de Vincenti, Operations Director, Italy and Czech Republic, Serco
  • 12:00-12:45 - "Hledám práci v Česku – co čekat a jak na to" (česky)
    Martina Neumannová, metodička kariérového poradenství Centra pro cizince JMK
  • 13:00-13:45 - "Change your job search mindset today!" (in English)
    Martina Koláčková, HR Marketing Specialist and Career consultant, Marta Jarošová, HR Business Partner, MANN+HUMMEL Service s.r.o.
  • 14:00-14:45 - "Work in Czechia - Why? Where? What?" (in English)
    Vojtěch Krejčí, CzechInvest
  • 15:00-15:20 - "The Ombudsman's Role in Protecting the Rights of Foreigners in the Czech Republic." (in English)
    Veronika Víchová, lawyer, departement of justice, migration and finances, Office of the Public Defender of Rights
  • 15:25-15:45 - "Zaměstnávání držitelů dočasné ochrany a prevence pracovního vykořisťování." (česky)
    Veronika Víchová, právnička, odbor justice, migrace a financí, Kancelář veřejného ochránce práv
  • 16:00-16:45 - “Zdravotník cizinec v Česku, Cesta pro zdravotníky ze zemí mimo EU do českého zdravotnictví” (česky)
    Mgr. Alena Apostol, Pracovnice Kontaktního centra - cizinci, NCO NZO (Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů)


Max. number of workshop attendees is 15.

  • 10:10-10:40 - "Interview Preparation for Foreign Candidates - Boost Confidence & Success" - 30 min., in English
    Ing. Zdeněk Bartoň, Ph.D.
  • 10:50-11:20 - "Nechybujte v češtině. Typické chyby rusky mluvících v češtině a jak s nimi pryč." - 30 min., in Czech
    Mgr. Eva Malenová, Ph.D., lektorka češtiny pro cizince
  • 11:30-12:00 - "Changes in Labour Law: Should You Rather Go Freelance?" - 30 min, in English
    Barbora Karetová, attorney at law at Expat Law LinkedIn
  • 12:10-12:55 - "Zdravotní pojištění v České republice" (česky)
    Bc. Barbora Šudomová, odborná referentka klientského pracoviště VZP v Brně, Ing. Jan Dvořák, odborný referent klientského pracoviště v Brně, Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna, VZP
    13:05-13:50 - "Showcasing Your Strengths to the World" - 45 min., in English
    Aneta Augustinová, Career Counsellor
  • 14:00-14:45 - "The Resilient Job Search" - 45 min., in English
    Shaun Copple, CPC, ACC, Brno Breakthru LinkedIn
  • 14:55-15:25 - "In between jobs: your rights and obligations" - 30 min., in English
    Jarda Soukup, Brno Expat Centre
  • 15:35-16:05 - "Obchodní příležitost s Mary Kay" - speciál především pro ženy
    Helena Žertová & Petra Zemanová - nezávislé obchodní ředitelky Mary Kay
  • 16:15-17:00 - "Career Mapping: Practical Strategies for Success" - 45 min., in English
    Dan Murphy, Career Consultant LinkedIn









Media partners and event supporters


Happening under auspices of Brno Mayor JUDr. Marketa Vankova and South Moravian Governor Mgr. Jan Grolich and with financial support of the City of Brno and South Moravian Region.


Media partners and event supporters


Happening under auspices of Brno Mayor JUDr. Marketa Vankova and South Moravian Governor Mgr. Jan Grolich and with financial support of the City of Brno and South Moravian Region.


What the fair offers you

International employers presenting current job vacancies

Wide range of services tailored for expats

Expert workshop program

CV consulting – free service open to all fair visitors

Career advisory services and visa and relocation advisory

B2B networking program

Free printed fair catalog, contests, and exclusive discounts

About 2025 Brno Fair

The date is set for October 17, 2025, and the venue is the newly renovated Congress Center at BVV.

In Brno, we expect the participation of over 2,000 visitors and we will provide space for a stand for approximately 80 exhibitors.

Jobspin is a fair aimed at university-educated, bilingual and multilingual expats who are typically looking for work in IT, Business Services and similar industries.

Registration and Pricing for Exhibitors

If you want to become one of the exhibitors and experience the new "Jobspin" live and fully in 2025, send us an email or directly fill in the registration form and we will contact you.

Katerina Casadei
+420 608 121284

Eliska Hoskova
+420 739 279517


What People Say about Jobspin Job Fair in Brno

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Jobspin Multilingual Job Fair Brno
Average rating:  
 45 reviews
 by Sania latif

It was great to visit this event and employers were really helpful

 by Matt Jones

THe people who were manning the booths were generally interesting and talkative, but in general this was not a good use of my time. There were far too few businesses in attendance, and essentially nothing midsized. What’s more, positions on offer were almost exclusively IT or finance…mostly a waste of time for sokeone in marketing or other creative/humanities fields.

 by Volkan

It was amazing event

 by Dejan
Good vibe

This is my first time i visit job fair and i had a very good time. Very good and positive vibes from all and its very organazied.

 by Jana Lukasova

Moc se mi libi prostredi a chvalim vse….
Dotaz zni proc tato akcicka neni i v Zline?
By me potesilo pokud bych nemusela cestovat i kdyz Brno je krasne, zkrasnelo….
Jana Lukasova

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