Program: Welcome to the Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair in Brno! October 5th, 2024

We are excited to invite you to the Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair in Brno, a comprehensive event designed to support job seekers and expats in their career journey and relocation process in the Czech Republic. Our fair offers a unique opportunity to connect with employers, gain valuable insights, and participate in enriching workshops and presentations.

Program will be regularly updated.


45 mins., capacity up to 100 attendees.

  • 10:10-10:55 – Presentation of Services for Foreigners Provided by the Labour Office of the Czech Republic (in English)
    Speaker: Alexandr Běťák, Foreign Employment Specialist, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
    Learn about the services available for foreigners from EU countries and third countries provided by the Labor Office of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
  • 11:00-11:45 – “Your career in a global service company” – Serco (in English)
    Christiano de Vincenti, Operations Director, Italy and Czech Republic, Serco
    With a focus on serving governments globally, Serco’s services span space, justice, migration, defence, customer services, health, and transport.
  • 12:00-12:45 – Hledám práci v Česku – co čekat a jak na to (česky)
    Speaker: Martina Neumannová, metodička kariérového poradenství Centra pro cizince JMK
    Discover essential information about employment in the Czech Republic: how to search for jobs, understand your rights and responsibilities, and what salary expectations you can have. The presentation will also cover cultural specifics of the Czech job market.
  • 13:00-13:45 – “Change your job search mindset today!” (in English)
  • Speakers: Martina Koláčková, HR Marketing Specialist and Career consultant, Marta Jarošová, HR Business Partner, MANN+HUMMEL Service s.r.o.
    Job search mindset needed to land the right job, importance of storytelling in a resume, impactful cover letter and recognition of career development opportunities.
  • 14:00-14:45 – “Work in Czechia – Why? Where? What?” (in English)
    Speaker: Vojtěch Krejčí, CzechInvest
    We will provide an overview of why the Czech Republic is an attractive destination for work and life. You will be introduced to the Work in Czechia portal too.
  • 15:00-15:20 – The Ombudsman’s Role in Protecting the Rights of Foreigners in the Czech Republic. (in English)
    Speaker: Veronika Víchová, lawyer, department of justice, migration and finances, Office of the Public Defender of Rights
    Presentation explores the role of the Ombudsman in safeguarding the rights of foreigners. Key focus areas will include legal protections and common challenges faced by foreigners.
    15:25-15:45 – Zaměstnávání držitelů dočasné ochrany a prevence pracovního vykořisťování. (česky)
    Speaker: Veronika Víchová, právnička, odbor justice, migrace a financí, Kancelář veřejného ochránce práv
    Zaměříme se na zaměstnávání držitelů dočasné ochrany, s důrazem na prevenci pracovního vykořisťování, ochranu práv zaměstnanců a povinnosti zaměstnavatelů.


Limited to 15 attendees per session.

  • 10:10-10:40 – Interview Preparation for Foreign Candidates – Boost Confidence & Success
    Speaker: Ing. Zdeněk Bartoň, Ph.D.
    Duration: 30 minutes, in English
    Enhance your interview preparation with a focus on boosting confidence and success for foreign candidates in the job market.
    Book your seat now
  • 10:50-11:20 – Nechybujte v češtině. Typické chyby rusky mluvících v češtině a jak s nimi pryč.
    Speaker: Mgr. Eva Malenová, Ph.D., lektorka češtiny pro cizince
    Duration: 30 mins, in Czech
    Russian is your native language and you are learning Czech? Join me to find out if you are making some of the common mistakes. And let’s try to work on them together.
    Book your seat now
  • 11:30-12:00 – Changes in Labour Law: Should You Rather Go Freelance?
    Speaker: Barbora Karetová, attorney at law at Expat Law LinkedIn
    Duration: 30 min, in English
    “Explore the latest Labour Law changes and see if freelancing is right for you. We’ll weigh the pros and cons of freelancing vs. traditional work to guide your decision.
    Book your seat now
  • 13:05-13:50 – Showcasing Your Strengths to the World
    Speaker: Aneta Augustinová, Career Counsellor
    Duration: 45 minutes, in English
    Identify and communicate your key strengths and achievements to impress potential employers. Learn how to effectively showcase these attributes in any professional setting.
    Book your seat now
  • 14:00-14:45 – “The Resilient Job Search”
    Speaker: Shaun Copple, CPC, ACC, Brno Breakthru LinkedIn
    Duration: 45 mins, in English
    “With setbacks, disappointments, and rejections, it is sometimes tough to maintain our wellbeing when searching for a job. Learn how resilience can help in this workshop.”
    Book your seat now
  • 14:55-15:25 – “In between jobs: your rights and obligations”
    Speaker: Jarda Soukup, Brno Expat Centre
    Duration: 30 min., in English
    “Brno Expat Centre’s consultant explains what to do with your health insurance, unemployment benefits, residence permit, and more – when you’ve left your job or been dismissed.”
    Book your seat now
  • 15:35-16:05 – “Obchodní příležitost s Mary Kay” – speciál především pro ženy
    Speakers: Helena Žertová & Petra Zemanová – nezávislé obchodní ředitelky Mary Kay
    Duration: 30 min., in Czech
    “Představíme Vám jednoduchý business model obchodní příležitosti s Mary Kay.”
    Book your seat now
  • 16:15-17:00 – Career Mapping: Practical Strategies for Success
    Speaker: Dan Murphy, Career Consultant, LinkedIn
    Duration: 45 minutes, in English
    “Develop practical strategies to define your career goals, benchmark your skills, and network effectively. Create a personalized career map and action plan.”
    Book your seat now

Free children’s play area

We welcome families with children! In cooperation with International School of Brno, the fairs will offer a free children’s play area.

International School of Brno was established in 2008. We are an IB World school. Our mission is to provide Kindergarten to High School students from all over the world with the necessary tools to become committed, lifelong learners and responsible, engaged citizens of the world.

Please sign up in order to use the free children’s play area at the fair. We need to know how many children / ages we will be assisting during the day.

Register for the children’s play area

We look forward to welcoming you to the Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair in Brno. Prepare to explore new career opportunities, gain invaluable insights, and make meaningful connections. See you there!

Learn more and register: Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair in Brno

Information for employers: Jobspin Job and Relocation Fair in Brno – Employers

Job Fairs & Seminars, News, Press Releases, Relocation to the Czech Republic