Demografie v ČR a potřeba kvalifikovaných pracovníků ze zahraničí

Foto: Veletrh Jobspin, Praha 2023 Demografická situace v České republice Týká se to nás všech. Demografie hraje klíčovou roli v ekonomickém rozvoji každé země – v České republice i v Evropské unii čelíme podobným výzvám. Snižující se porodnost, stárnutí populace a migrace způsobují, že pracovní trh čelí značným tlakům. V České republice se populace pomalu,

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Czech Job Market Trends in 2024: AI Impact, Emerging Job Types, and Employment Outlook

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash In 2024 and upcoming years, the Czech Republic’s job market is poised to undergo significant transformations, driven by advancements in technology, changes in workforce dynamics, and the evolving global economic landscape. This article explores the key trends in the Czech job market, highlighting the emergence of new job types,

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The largest specialized Conference for HR and Recruiters in Western Europe is going Global to support Ukraine

The Global HR & Recruitment Forum will take place from  May 30 till June 3, 2022, Online.  It’s a specialized professional Forum for Recruiters, HR Leaders and Sourcers. 70% of the income will be directed to support the Ukrainian army and humanitarian aid. Photo Credit: Freepik History preceding the Global HR & Recruitment Forum: The project

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