Best Answers For The Job Interview, Part 1

In order to figure out how you will approach a new job, an interviewer might ask you literally anything. Here are 5 of the most popular interview questions with examples of the best ways how to face them.

Question #1:

What can we expect from you in the first 30 days?

Best Answer:

“Besides managing my daily tasks, I’ll continue reading everything I can find about the company and industry to get an accurate fix on the state of the firm within the marketplace and reach out to the colleagues in my department to learn as much as possible about the roles that various individuals play within the project.”


Question #2:

Why are you looking for a new opportunity now? [assuming you are currently employed]

Best Answer:

“I am starting to feel like I need some new challenges. I’d like to work for a bigger company with more opportunities for growth. This position really appeals to me because it would allow me to further develop my skills and gain new experience in more innovative environment.”


Question #3:

Why should we hire you?


Best Answer:

“I believe that I will be successful in this position because I have been trained and worked in this field for over 5 years. My education, professional experience, analytical skills, and target-oriented attitude set me apart from other candidates. I am very comfortable with this work; I know well what it takes.”


Question #4:

If I asked your professors or your former boss to describe you, what would they say?

Best Answer:

“I believe they would say I’m a very dedicated person, that I’m results oriented and one of the most reliable people they worked with. Actually, I know they would say that, because those are their very words. May I show you a letter of recommendation from my last employer?”


Question #5:

Tell me about yourself.interview-answers-greatest-strenght

Best Answer #1 (graduate):

“I graduated this June at ABC University. I’d like to develop my formal education into a full career experience in international business. Working with your company would be a great challenge for its dynamic growth and international reach. I am very target-oriented, energetic, and eager to learn.”


Best Answer #2 (previous working experience):

“During the last 5 years with the ABC Company, I have progressed from an entry-level position to a position in middle management, leading a team of 5. I have had the opportunity to complete numerous training programs, provide supervision and leadership, and participate in special projects. I enjoy being a Lead and the opportunity to empower and motivate others.”



Recommended Reading:

Salary Levels in the Czech Republic by Regions and Sectors


Income Tax and Tax Deductions in the Czech Republic


Business & Job Market