Why Are the Czech Salaries So Low?

The average EU citizen saw EUR 3.000 coming to his pocket every month of the last year (Eurostat, 2016) while the average Czech employee got mere EUR 1.000 per month (CZK 27.589). The difference is striking. To understand better why the Czech salaries continue to be low compared to other EU countries, we’ll look into

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How Many Czechs Are on Earth?

The Czech language is spoken by approximately 10.6 million in the Czech Republic, while large Czech speaking communities exist in various European countries such as Austria, Poland, Germany, Croatia, western Romania, Ukraine, and of course Slovakia. According to the latest data from Czech Statistical Office published on March 21, 2016, the population of the Czech

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Association of Employment Agencies Estimates A Quarter Million of Illegally Employed Foreigners in the Czech Republic

Foreign Policy in Prague has confirmed to evict from the Czech Republic 74 foreign nationals that were taken last Friday at a storage of Prague’s popular E-shop “Rohlik.cz”. According to spokesman of Police Tomáš Hulan, the seized workers had visa valid for another EU country than the Czech Republic. The owner of “Rohlik.cz” criticizes the

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Seven Top CV FAQs by GoodCall

There are many tips on how to write a CV you can find online. We put together answers to the most common questions related to CVs and LinkedIn profiles based on our experience communicating with candidates and employers: #1 What are the most common mistakes you come across in CVs and LinkedIn profiles? The most

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Health Care in the Czech Republic Explained

Nearly all European countries have a universal health care system. Though some people refer to it as European free health care system, in reality, it’s not completely free. While each country has its own variation, the common denominator is that everyone pays for health care as a member of society — intending to minimize the overall expenses and

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