Association of Employment Agencies Estimates A Quarter Million of Illegally Employed Foreigners in the Czech Republic

Foreign Policy in Prague has confirmed to evict from the Czech Republic 74 foreign nationals that were taken last Friday at a storage of Prague’s popular E-shop “”. According to spokesman of Police Tomáš Hulan, the seized workers had visa valid for another EU country than the Czech Republic. The owner of “” criticizes the police intervention for inconsistencies in treating such cases.

Czech Association of Employment Agencies (APA) reports that the companies pushed by the lack of candidates and severe regulations for employing people from countries outside of the EU often solve their staffing needs with employing foreigners, both legally and illegally. APA declares that they use inconsistency between Labor and Permanent Residency Legislation.

APA estimates that apart from quarter million legally employed agency workers, there is another quarter million illegally employed people in the Czech job market. Czech Statistical Office registered 464.670 employed foreigners in the beginning of 2016 including 83.862 freelancers. 195.499 were from EU countries and 269.171 had citizenship outside of the EU.

An agency worker is a person who has an agreement with an agency to work for another company.

The companies use the legal loopholes and don’t bear the responsibility if they employ people via so called “pseudo-agencies”, stated Radovan Burkovič, president of APA.

Jiří Halbrštát, manager from Manpowergroup explained: “The visa that is issued for one country is not valid for another country. For example, when a worker has valid visa for Poland, it’s not valid in the Czech Republic.”

In case of “”, the workers had long-term visa that guaranteed them free movement across EU countries, for example as tourists, but didn’t allow them to be employed here. E-shop counters that the workers were agency workers, not the direct company’s employees and the whole campaign is a part of competitive practices of rival companies.

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Czech Statistical Office, data released 31-12-2015. Rozhodnutí o vyhoštění obdrželo zatím 74 cizinců z; 11-03-2017 at: Rohlí byl jen ‘kapka v moři.’ Nedostatek lidí tlačí firmy na hranici zákona, míní asociace; 13-03-2017 at:

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