Better Education Equals Better Satisfaction at Work

To study more can pay off in the long run. The dissatisfaction at work decreases with the higher level of education. Photo: Pixabay

Only 13% of university graduates are discontent in contrast to 50% of dissatisfied respondents with secondary education without the leaving exam.

With such certificate, the chances to feel properly educated for the job are slightly higher, yet still 40% reports disappointment, (Periodical of Czech Statistics) informs.

According to (Czech news portal), reasons for conflict and disappointment often span from lack of experience during the studies, through unrealistic salary expectations to overconfidence/arrogance.

Poor use of previous education in tertiary sector

At the level of secondary education without the school leaving certificate, 62% of discontent people are trained in services such as catering, fast food, restaurants, hairdressing and beauty services. Technology, production and construction fields are also common sectors for people without completed leaving exam.

As for people with the certificate, nearly half of graduates in service sector say their qualification has no use in their job.

Dissatisfaction with the use of qualifications is often reported by graduates of the Arts and Humanities, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Grade Schools (Grammar School, Lyceum).

Art and Humanities and service sectors report also higher level of discontent among university graduates.

“Starting at work was a great shock to me,” a 25-year-old social worker Květa says for (Czech news portal).

She further explains: “After years of praise and getting straight A’s, I found myself criticized for making mistakes. Years of practice showed me, I had had no real experience back then and had actually been making mistakes.”

30s bring more satisfaction

Satisfaction is also influenced by the age of respondents. More than a half of 20-24-year-olds are not satisfied with the use of their knowledge and skills. Between the age 25-29, the number of satisfied people prevails and gets even higher with growing age. Men are more likely to appreciate their previous education at work than women.

Young adults are more willing to cross the border

According to, more than 35% of respondents at age 20-24 claim that they would move outside of the Czech Republic and change their employment.

In the 25-29 age group, only 16% would move outside the Czech Republic to find a job. This percentage is further reduced in the 30-34 age group (by 8%).

Prior to starting their first job, young people are willing to move in order to get work. After the first work experience, however, this willingness decreases significantly, (Czech news portal) informs.

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