Rent an Apartment in Prague or Brno – A Guide for New Expats

Renting a place in a foreign country might be confusing, long, and boring process. Besides finding the right place that will fit your personal taste, there are few tricky issues you should pay attention to. Follow the tips from experts from PraguExpats and attorneys from EXPATLEGAL they shared with us at a free workshop for expats this December in Prague and from relocation experts from Move to Prague on the video below and rent a new place legally, safely, and well.

Interview with Jan and Daria, Relocation Experts from

Let’s talk a bit more about rental contracts. What should be included and what’s forbidden to state?

A good contract should include:

  • Identification of parties;
  • Identification of the flat/house (if possible by information from the cadastral registry);
  • Price of your rent and method of payment (double check – provision on yearly increase of the rent);
  • Deposit fee for services connected with the rent (water, electricity, TV, internet, waste management, cleaning of the house…), with their specification. In compliance with the Czech law, the owner might require the payment of 6 times of the rent as security deposit but it’s not common. Usually, the security deposit makes 2 or 3 rents;
  • Number of people living with the tenant;
  • Rights and obligation of parties.

The lessor cannot prohibit:

  • Smoking;
  • Pets;
  • Registering of residence address;
  • Visits, especially of family members, long-term/permanent stay of close family members/partners in the apartment.

Even if it’s written in the contract, it has no validation. The owner simply can’t forbid such things. Nevertheless, it might be considered as a gentleman deal. (It might be useful for you if it’s you who is going to rent a place. If you e.g. prefer non-smokers in your apartment you might add such a restriction into contract. Some people simply don’t know about no validation of it and will obey.)

Rental Contract Termination

There are two options: indefinite or definite period of renting. Mostly, lessor offers definite period at least for the first 1-2 years. This is a safeguard that the Czech law guarantees to the property owners – it’s nearly impossible to terminate the rental contract for the owners, even if tenants don’t pay the rent or cause damage to the property.

In case of special circumstances you must leave your apartment sooner (e.g., you lost your job, or relocating to other city/country) you should write a TERMINATION NOTICE including specific description of the reason why you cannot stay in the apartment due to contract. If you are renting with you partner, both of you must provide this document.

Workshop: Rent a Place in Prague: Legally, Safely, and Well. December 3, 2017. Organized by:, EXPATLEGAL, and Praguexpats.

Staying Legally in the Czech Republic

To stay legally in the Czech Republic /if coming from the country outside of European Union/, you need:


  • In original/ notary verified copy in the Czech language
  • Signed by the owner of the property or by the person with power of attorney


  • Signed in front of the notary by the owner of the property or by the person with power of attorney

Common Questions

  • Can I verify who is the real owner?

For visa purposes, you need to ask the owner of the property for the signature. Sounds simple. The reality shows it’s not that easy. It might be problematic to find out who is the real owner of the flat, especially when it’s owned by a company. To find out who is the real owner of the property, check Cadastral Registry at You can find the guide in the presentation below.

  • Do the real estate agents provide documents in English?

Another tricky part of receiving your rental agreement is a correct translation. Unfortunately, the real estate agents often don’t speak English – be prepared for that! Be careful about contract, especially if it’s in the Czech language. It’s important to understand what you sign. The best option is to hire official translator to comprehend the contract.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask experts form PraguExpats or EXPATLEGAL. Find more information and their contact details in the presentations below.



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