A Million of Czech Employees Would Change Their Jobs

Repeatedly, Czech employees have been among the top 10 happiest on the planet. Yet, about a million of the current employees in the Czech Republic are thinking about changing their jobs. Why? Photo: Pixabay

“There is mere 14% of employees who wouldn’t not pick up another job at all in the Czech market. The others consider a change of their job and 12% of them are actively searching for new job opportunities. So, more than a million people are on the move now. But they do not meet with the employers”, Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský, a Czech job market expert from LMC company mentioned in an interview for Czech on-line daily iDnes.cz.

Different generations, different reasons

The study of Marlene Satter from 2016 on difference of reasons for leaving a job by generation showed that the most important issue was a low salary. 70% of millennials said they would quit the job if the remuneration was insufficient.

American baby boomers were the least concerned about the pay scale – only 58% would quit if the salary was low. 69% of ‘Gen X’ following the baby boomers and preceding the millennials would quit for this reason.

The second most popular reason for millennials and generation X was being overworked.

22% of Czech employees report having 5 to 10 overtime hours per week. 41% have less than 5 hours per week, Hays yearly research (2017) showed.

In general, generation closer to the senior age wants more benefits such as health insurance and clear retirement plan.

When Satter asked those who actually quit their jobs, the most common response was because of lack of recognition or awards from the management.

Shortage of equipment bothers

However, employee turnover is caused by many reasons. Most of the Czech workforce feels like they could use better top-down communication, where the management possesses strong character and motivational skills, Hays research proved.

Another reason is the lack of necessary tools – it bothers 43% of the employed. Shortage of resources and equipment makes for a stagnation of employee potential, which leads to frowns on their faces.

More money = motivated employee?

Hays research says that 57% of Czech employees do not feel that there is enough motivation in them doing the job. What motivates them most is a pay rise.

“A total of 82% of employees report higher wages as the greatest motivation for a job change. For the vast majority, 20% more to their salary would do,” Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský explained in an interview for iDnes.cz.

Another excellent motivator is the praise from the boss or supervisor. On the third place according to the Hays poll is the availability of flexible hours and home office days.

The job benefits are among the most common methods of increasing employees’ happiness.

Benefits Share of people with the benefit in the Czech Republic
Meal vouchers 44%
Flexible working hours 26%
Employee training 18%
Company computer for personal use 15%
Extra holiday 23%
Home Office 8%
Company car for private use 7%
Company weekend functions 5%
Contribution to health insurance 4%
Premium health care 2%
None 23%

Employee Benefits in the Czech Republic, Antonová B., Rylková Ž. (2017)

Almost half of all Czech employees receive meal tickets or some sort of free food, whether it is a fruit basket or snacks at work.

The flexible schedule, which is nowadays so in demand among the young workforce, comes as the second most popular job benefit.

Health care plans are at the last place. The healthcare system in the Czech Republic is public. Czech employees do not have big concerns about high medical bills, unlike their American counterparts where a good health insurance is one of the most wanted benefit packages.

Prepared by Taras Biletskyi

Antonová B., Rylková Ž. (2017). Employee Benefits In The Czech Republic And Slovakia. Retrieved 15 August 2017, from http://aak.cms.opf.slu.cz/pdf/2014/2/Antonova_Rylkova.pdf.
Hays.cz. (2017). Salary Guide 2017 Recruitment & Labour Market Trends In The Czech Republic. Retrieved 15 August 2017, from https://www.hays.cz/cs/groups/hays_common/@cz/@content/documents/digitalasset/hays_1880536.pdf
iDnes.cz (2017). Změnit práci je jako se rozvést. Řada lidí to nezvládne, říká odborník (June 21, 2017). Retrieved 15 August 2017, from http://finance.idnes.cz/trh-prace-zmena-zamestnani-mzdy-dnt-/podnikani.aspx?c=A170619_230411_podnikani_kho.
Satter, M. Y. (2016). Reasons for keeping, leaving a job differ by generation, study shows. Benefits Selling.Breaking News, Retrieved from https://proxy.mzk.cz/login?auth=shibboleth&?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/1814879947?accountid=12552.
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