HR Development Session for all HR Professionals & Employers at Jobspin Job Fair in Brno

Improve Your Skills, Educate Yourself At HR Development Session!

HR Development Session for all HR professionals & employers at Jobspin Multilingual Job Fair in Brno at Trznice Brno, Zelny trh, 4th floor on March 21st at 13:35-16:30.

The topics of HR Development Session are International Recruiting, Employee Motivation, Management and Branding.


The Economic And Social Context And Trends:

The Future Of The Job Market And How To Improve Your Employer Branding Value Proposition In Ssc’s


Speakers: Mark Harrison, Founder and CEO of ACCEE, who has lived in Brno for 14 years and has 35 years experience in credit management, Kristina Sabakova, HR Marketing & Branding Lead, Dixons Carphone

  • 20% attrition is not the fault of Gen X or Y. The root cause is a lack of knowledge, experience and leadership within SSC’s. This presentation based on more than 3000 hours coaching and training all levels across EMEA will demonstrate the root causes and how to create a World Class Centre of Excellence.


Keeping Expats Well Engaged and Motivated

14:25-15:10 [possible in EN/CZ*]

Speaker: Petr Rudzan, ing., Business Consultant and Therapist

  • “Keeping expats well engaged and motivated” a short interactive thought about why expat employees join and leave your company. What makes them come and leave. What can you do about it? How could you manage your team and recruitment to be more stable? What could be the right solution? Petr will help us in finding answers and possible solutions.


How To Employ Foreigners Legally In 2020

15:15-15:55 [possible in EN/CZ*]

Speakers: Ing. Daria Somova and Jan Kalina, Co-owners and Relocation Experts of Move To Prague and Move To Brno relocation agency


  • Do you employ or want to employ people from the EU as well as non-EU countries? Do you want to make sure you do it correctly and meet all the legal requirements? Do you want to know the shortcuts? Our 30 mins intensive «course» will give you the right solutions! / Zaměstnáváte či chcete zaměstnávat cizince ze zemí EU i mimo EU? Chcete mít jistotu, že je vše uděláno správně, včas a dle zákona? Chcete znát «vychytávky» z praxe? Náš 30 minutový «kurz» Vám napoví jak na to!

Leadership Across Cultures – How to Lead and Motivate Foreigners

16:00-16:30 [possible in EN/CZ*]

Speaker: Mgr. Bc. Jan Hebnar, MBA, Entrepreneur and Professional Lecturer, CEO at SINOVIA CONSULT s.r.o. (advisory services regarding the Chinese market)

  • Kultura, ve které je váš kolega, nadřízený, nebo podřízený vychován předurčuje to, jak se bude chovat ve standardních i nestandardních pracovních situacích. Jak se bude dožadovat zvýšení mzdy, jak bude komunikovat, nebo čím bude motivován. Ať už je to Slovák, Ukrajinec, Číňan, Němec nebo Američan  rozdíly mezi kulturami, ve kterých jsme byli vychování, jsou fascinuíjící. V prezentaci  “Lídr napříč kulturami – jak vést a motivovat cizince” vám bývalý diplomat Honza Hebnar v méně než půlhodince osvětlí, kde jsou nejčastější problémy (a jaké jsou jejich řešnení) ve spolupráci mezi kulturami na pracovišti i mimo něj.

*Primary language of the HR Session is English, but if the audience and speakers agree, it is possible to use in the Czech language.


Price: For exhibiting employers at Jobspin Job Fairs a part of Option 3; for visiting HR professionals: CZK 3,000 + VAT / person, discount for teams (CZK 5,500 for two ppl etc.); includes simple catering and a small gift (register here and we will contact you or directly contact or call Katerina at +420 608 12 12 84 for details).

Video Invite of Jan Kalina, Relocation Expert

Business & Job Market