2021 Census: 60% of Population Expected to Participate Online. Participation Mandatory for All

The Czech Republic is set to conduct its first census in ten years, beginning in March 2021. The Czech Statistical Office estimates that around 60% of the population will complete the census online, and help will be available to help citizens do so. Participation in the census is mandatory according to law, and failing to do so could incur a fine of up to CZK 10,000. Photo credit: Freepik / For illustrative purposes.

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Czech Rep., Aug 12 (JS) – The next census in the Czech Republic will launch online at midnight on March 26th, 2021. While previous censuses allowed people to submit their completed forms electronically, the forthcoming census is designed to take place primarily online. According to estimates from the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO), more than 60% of the population will be using the online platform for the census. They also point out that this number could increase due to the current coronavirus situation. “You don’t catch the flu or coronavirus when you’re participating online. The possibility to take part in the census from the safety of your home is thus another added value of the Census 2021, which will also be simpler and more user-friendly for citizens,” said CZSO President Marek Rojíček.

The services of Ceska Posta, CZSO’s main partner in conducting the offline census, will be available for all those who are not able to participate online.

By the Czech census law, refusal to answer all or part of the census carries up to CZK 10,000 fine. Photo credit: Pixabay.

The census is mandatory, and will include all inhabitants of each of the 6,258 municipalities of the Czech Republic. Exceptions include foreign nationals with diplomatic immunity and those staying in the Czech Republic for less than 90 days, according to the Czech law.

CZSO will collect respondents’ names, their ID numbers and types, date of birth, sex, place of residence, nationality, mother tongue, level of education, number of children, occupation, commuting distance, and other information.

There are provisions for the census to be completed in English and some other languages, with plans underway to translate it into other languages, according to Jan Cieslar, spokesman for the CZSO. You can get more information from the official census website.
