Unemployment in The Czech Republic Remains Static Under 3%

Unemployment in the Czech Republic has remained at 2.7% for the third consecutive month. The number of people unemployed has fallen to 201,900, the lowest figure since last September. Photo: stock picture / Freepik.

Prague, Oct 9 (JS) – The historically low unemployment rate in the Czech Republic shows no sign of rising.

New figures from the Labour Office of the Czech Republic released on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, indicate that unemployment in the country is static at 2.7%. Year-on-year, that represents a fall of 0.3%. The raw total of unemployed people has fallen to 201,900, the lowest since last September, and the number of vacancies is also down, at 345,000.

Unemployment rates in the Czech Republic – August and September 2019. Data: Czech Labour Office, October 2019.

August 2019 vs September 2019
Prague 2,0 % 2,0 %
Středočeský region 2,4 % 2,4 %
Jihočeský region 1,9 % 1,9 %
Plzeňský region 2,1 % 2,0 %
Karlovarský region 2,5 % 2,5 %
Ústecký region 3,8 % 3,8 %
Liberecký region 2,8 % 2,7 %
Královéhradecký region 2,1 % 2,1 %
Pardubický region 1,9 % 1,9 %
Vysočina region 2,5 % 2,4 %
Jihomoravský region (including Brno) 3,3 % 3,2 %
Olomoucký region 2,6 % 2,6 %
Zlínský region 2,2 % 2,2 %
Moravskoslezský region 4,2 % 4,2 %
Czech Republic 2,7 % 2,7 %

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