How To Land A Job In The (Post-)Coronavirus Job Market – Free Webinar
The webinar, “Czech Job Market In Coronavirus Times”, is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 29th, with five expert presenters sharing their views and insight regarding relocation and employment in the Czech Republic. Title photo: Freepik / for illustrative purposes.
Czech Rep., Sep 24 (JS) – If you are currently searching for a job opportunity in the Czech Republic or thinking about relocating there or extending your stay, join our online seminar on Tuesday, September 29. The seminar will be divided into four 30-minute presentations, each followed by 15-minute Q&A sessions. The expert presenters include Jan Kalina and Daria Somova, relocation experts and founders of Move To Prague. Jan and Daria have helped thousands of people from all over the globe with visas, accommodation and other services. So, if you’re looking for more details about moving and staying in the Czech Republic, and current European relocation trends during the pandemic, then this is the perfect presentation for you.
Joining them will be Sam Beaton, a recruitment consultant at Grafton Recruitment. Sam works with candidates in the long and short term to find the best roles suited to their skills. His presentation will focus on how to make your CV stand out. A lot of Sam’s tips and tricks can also be applied to academic CVs and other fields of work.
Next, Blanka Mrázková, a professional coach and recruitment leader at Život Jako Hra Coaching Agency and Academy, will share with you the secrets to personal and professional growth. Blanka has trained strong business teams in fields varying from online marketing, e-commerce and customer service to top-level recruitment in the most challenging technical area.
The last presenter will be Antonis Dimosthenous, Sales and Marketing Manager at Jobspin. He has helped organize several Jobspin Multilingual Job Fairs. Antonis will discuss the current trends in the Czech job market. For people who are interested in what the future holds, they can take a look at the latest figures and prospective career paths.
Katerina Kukrechtova, a member of the organising team said: “We wanted to organize this webinar to show all expats who are interested in working in the Czech Republic all the latest trends in the job market. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed recruitment processes greatly and we want all potential candidates to be as informed as possible. We hope that with this webinar, people will gain a deeper understanding of relocation and employment issues in the country”.
The Virtual Seminar program is here. To register for the presentations, follow this link here.
The capacity is limited to 50 attendees in presentation mode and 22 attendees in conversation mode at the same time. Conversation mode will let people join 1-1 trial coaching sessions with three coaches from Život Jako Hra Coaching Agency and Academy (14 places are available – register here) and CV consultations with professionals from Grafton Recruitment (only 8 places! The booking can be done here via this simple form.)
People who want to follow the presentations but can’t secure a spot, can watch the presentations in real time via Jobspin YouTube channel.
The event is supported by Brno Daily and ESN MUNI Brno.