Gender Pay Gap in the Czech Republic

Are women being paid less than men in the Czech Republic? You have probably heard before about the fact that generally men are being paid more than women. As much as the society is trying to convince us that there is no difference, that is not the case. The gender pay gap really does exist.

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Most Popular Job Benefits in the Czech Republic

In recent years the employers have developed another way to attract the best employees – benefit packages. What is the situation with the Individual benefits that are offered employees in the Czech Republic? See the infographic “JOB BENEFITS – WHAT WE HAVE VERSUS WHAT WE WANT” below! According to a research carried out by HAYS

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Czech Work Culture

The Czech people always appreciate when a foreigner makes an attempt communicate in the Czech language. However, the Czech people, as well as their language, tend to be very formal with strangers. The plural pronoun β€œVy” serves also as a polite means of addressing someone that you do not know (even in a bar, or

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